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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student


The Indiana Daily Student

Proud of what?


Within the last few years, it has become fashionable for businesses to declare their stance on gay marriage and create a media storm surrounding the revelation. From Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby to Target and Bud Light, we ’ ve heard quite a bit recently about who believes what and why from both sides of the issue.

The Indiana Daily Student

Open the gates, free the trees


Let’s talk trees. More specifically, let’s talk about our very own trees in the Arboretum and why we’re being withheld the pleasure of walking amongst them to and from class.

The Indiana Daily Student

College is to religion as ...


No other environment is as conducive to self-exploration and experimentation as college.There is a stigma surrounding religion on college campuses that implies that students who subscribe to a faith are either ignorant, extremists or prudes.In a place where intellect reigns supreme, the notion of believing in an intangible, abstract higher power is silly at best and destructive to society at worst.Wherever a student finds himself in his spiritual journey, college does not mean that he has to walk away from the faith, whatever the flavor may be.The individual is the only person that is capable of understanding the intricacies of his personal beliefs and ultimately, the foundation of his identity.

The Indiana Daily Student

Bullets and burgers


On Monday, August 25th, two more innocent citizens joined the ranks of victims of American gun violence.

The Indiana Daily Student

A comedy of errors


Almost ten years ago, Dave Chappelle walked away from his hit Comedy Central TV show and $50 million dollars, in part because his audience didn’t “get it.”Chappelle wanted us to laugh at racism, but too many of us were laughing with it.It’s a common problem in comedy: the artist’s intent can get lost in the space between the stage and the audience, leaving listeners to create their own meaning.

The Indiana Daily Student

Back to basics


Barring a few exceptions, each IU freshman is required to live on-campus for at least one year. Freshmen hear all sorts of horror stories, from friends and graduates, before even arriving on campus.

The Indiana Daily Student

While America slept


It was 2011, and the tide of revolution across the Arab world was indeed a joy to behold.

The Indiana Daily Student

Excessive exercise


A couple of months ago, I was hanging out with friends and we decided to grab some beer. We’re all legal, and we figured it’d be a fun way to chill for the night.

The Indiana Daily Student

Mo' costumes mo' problems


Superheroes have been a fixture of mainstream American culture for over a hundred years. Characters that dish out vigilante justice without regards to the rules of traditional law enforcement are popular in a relatively repressive society like ours (although less repressive than what it once was, of course).Superheroes costumes, on the other hand, can sometimes seem oddly repressive, for all that they are supposed to uplift their wearer.All superheroes serve about the same purpose, however, and that’s part of their charm.

The Indiana Daily Student

Reality vs. fantasy


The new Wonder Woman and her costume have been criticized as overtly sexual. Lady superheroes are supposed to save the world.

The Indiana Daily Student

Wonder Woman's new bra


Superhero movies command the attention of audiences everywhere. Action-packed and filled to the brim with dazzling special effects as our favorite heroes save the universe from certain destruction.

The Indiana Daily Student

Stop slut-shaming in schools


Dress codes. We’ve all had to deal with them. We’ve all been victim to the hems below your fingertips or two inches above the knee rules. Straps at least an inch wide, can’t show your midriff, no shoulder action, no facial piercings.

The Indiana Daily Student

Demilitarizing Indiana police


The events in Ferguson, Mo., surrounding the death of Michael Brown have set off a firestorm of backlash, leading to racial and political tension. This has led many to question the tactics of various police forces on a larger level.

The Indiana Daily Student

Lording over us


A few nights ago I was on my way home with my roommate when she told me that our apartment locks had been changed during the day while she was shopping.

The Indiana Daily Student

Waking the dragon

The western world has been forced to pause when confronted with the enigma that is China’s political economy.