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Tuesday, June 18
The Indiana Daily Student

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Shoot for the stars


On Tuesday English physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking, Russian billionaire Yuri Milner and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg announced that they’re investing billions of dollars to send a fleet of robot spacecraft to Alpha Centuri, the nearest star system. These robots are tiny– think transformers.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: This is your brain on drugs (according to neuroscience)


The phrase “this is your brain on drugs” may conjure up images of eggs frying thanks to a classic anti-drugs ad campaign, but neuroscience has recently shown that this is far from the truth.  A team of researchers led by Dr. David Nutt at Imperial College London recently published the first images of brains on the psychedelic drug lysergic acid diethylamide, better known as LSD, in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Women get a consolation prize on Equal Pay Day


The second United States memorial dedicated specifically to women was made official on this year’s Equal Pay Day, April 12. The Atlantic reports that the site is the newly renamed Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument.

EDITORIAL: Panama Papers are a bigger deal than you think


If you haven’t heard of the Panama Papers or don’t know what they mean, then you’ve seriously misjudged the gravity of the situation. You see, it turns out that the stereotypical trope of rich people hiding away all of their money in a “Swiss bank account” is actually true, except the accounts happen to be in Panama. The world’s richest and most powerful people “invest” their money in fake business in order to avoid taxation.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter: Single-sex facilities


I was recently in a discussion regarding Indiana Senate Bill 35, which criminalizes using the wrong gendered bathroom.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter: Response to Therin Showalter


Dear Therin, I read the article, “Modern American Christians ...,” and appreciated the challenge to show equal concern for all sin, not just sexual sin.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: The American Dream


I was browsing Scientific American magazine recently and came across an article with some interesting parallels to a few points I made in an opinion column earlier this year, "On the decline of American Idealism".

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Cashing in on prized athletes is a two way street


When high school phenomenon Thon Maker announced last week that he would enter the 2016 NBA Draft, IU basketball fans’ were forced to accept the reality of what they feared all along. Maker, a seven-foot tall player with the agility of a point guard, couldn't forego a seven-figure salary and more in sponsorship deals to attend a school like IU to work towards a degree that he will likely never need.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter: SB No. 35


I’ve recently learned about a bill that is waiting to be passed senate bill 35. I don’t think that anyone should support it because it is simply ridiculous to monitor the restroom use of others.  This bill states that it would prevent transgender from using the same restroom as the one they identify with.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter: Senate Bill 14


Most of us are familiar with the Jared Fogle case involving child exploitation and child pornography.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter: IN Senate Bill 35


As a young Christian seeking to define my identity, I have never identified myself as an LGBT activists.  I have, however; identified myself as one that rejects mistreatment, injustice, and hate.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: PrEP where we need it the most


On Sunday, the reproductive and sexual health organization Advocates for Youth held the National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day to increase awareness and advocacy of HIV and AIDS for young adults.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter: Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby!


Or perhaps let’s talk about rape, because well, they are different. Since it is Sexual Assault Awareness month, and colleges across the country are attempting to exude a Culture of Care, I want to weigh in on the topic.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter: Pay to pee Bill


I really need to know why Indiana legislators are so worried about who poops next to who? With everything else going on in our world, like perhaps the fact that Donald Trump may become president, I feel like who we poop beside does not need to be regulated. It is sad that I now feel very fortunate to have always been given the opportunity to use the restroom that I identify with, without any threat of facing charges for my choice.