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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student


The Indiana Daily Student

Exclusive Knight interview

Bob Knight still used the possessives "we" and "our" as he reminisced about his first 25 years as a coach at IU and the factors that contributed to his decision to stay as long as he did.

The Indiana Daily Student

Knight to address students

Sunday, IU President Myles Brand laid out the reasons 29-year basketball coach Bob Knight was fired. Wednesday, Knight will tell his side of the story in a forum sponsored by the Indiana Daily Student.

The Indiana Daily Student

Indiana hires interim coach Davis


BLOOMINGTON — Indiana headed off a possible player revolt over Bob Knight's dismissal by hiring assistant Mike Davis as interim basketball coach, a source told The Associated Press. Davis was expected to be introduced as the new coach Tuesday at a news conference, said the high-ranking University source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The Indiana Daily Student

Knight's firing will stunt basketball program


As I woke up this morning, I was dismayed to hear about the recent decision of President Myles Brand. As a student at IU, I came to Bloomington because of one reason: Indiana basketball. Even more than the fact that the state of Indiana is known for basketball, it is known for one man. A man who revolutionized college basketball, and even more, the state of Indiana ' Coach Knight.

The Indiana Daily Student

Knight has chance to prove critics wrong


Regardless of the truth of the various allegations against Mr. Knight, or of the appropriateness of his dismissal, there is one moral duty he must face, and it is by no means an easy one: He must stand up and condemn the threats that are being made against the students involved in the alleged incident, and he must do so vocally and unambiguously.

The Indiana Daily Student

University mishandled Knight situation


IU has lost a legendary teacher and coach. It saddens me that the trustees have taken the word of a rude freshman barely on campus for three weeks over that of the man who has faithfully carried the torch for IU for almost 30 years. I, like many others, have encountered Coach Knight in the bowels of Assembly Hall, or in some other public place, and he was, in a word, a gentleman.

The Indiana Daily Student

University better off when Knight was here


It's about time. The Bob Knight era has come to a close. Now people can look at IU for the other things we do great here … Oh, that's right ' there isn't anything. The latest rankings by U.S. News and World Report placed IU in the second tier of colleges, so we aren't opening any eyes academically.

The Indiana Daily Student

Knight taught lessons on, off basketball court


I had the opportunity to work under coach Knight as a manager from 1996 to 2000. I am currently an administrative assistant for the Stanford Men's basketball program under coach Mike Montgomery. Throughout my four years at Indiana under coach Knight, there was not a day that went by on either the practice floor or in the locker room where I didn't learn something about the game of basketball or the game of life.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter Spotlight


Bob Knight -- less than a god, but more than a man, right? I don't know exactly why, but for some reason, with all of his antics during the years, I should have lost my respect for him and agree with his termination as coach.

The Indiana Daily Student

Fate of freshman unknown

Some say Kent Harvey will not be returning to school this semester, but by the way his phone rings one would think he's still there.

The Indiana Daily Student

Cornbread a simple yet rewarding effort


I once had a co-worker who was beholden to cornbread. Joy was her name, and day after day she would head to the local deli where she bypassed the blintzes, tortes and puff pastries for the soup of the day and a generous hunk of cornbread.

The Indiana Daily Student

Faculty reaction to Knight dismissal mixed


Following the explosive news that college basketball coaching legend Bob Knight was fired, members of the faculty understood the logic behind Knight's dismissal, but reactions were still mixed.

The Indiana Daily Student

Raise your voice, I'm listening


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Brian F. Hartz. I'm a new graduate student here at the the School of Journalism, and I have a confession to make: I might be partly to blame for Bob Knight's recent dismissal as IU men's basketball coach.