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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student


The Indiana Daily Student

Letter to the editor #2


I’m happy that others are voting for third-party candidates and thereby abandoning the Republican and Democratic parties.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter to the editor #3


The idea that victims need to be believed without first trying the potential criminal would destroy the concept of due process.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter to the editor #1


No doubt many on campus are happy with Dunn’s Woods being lit at night, but for others, it’s yet another sad chapter in our turning night into day across campus.

The Indiana Daily Student

LETTER: Response from a regular reader

I am a regular reader of the online edition of the Indiana Daily Student and frequently read the editorials - most of which I vehemently disagree with the positions taken by the student editors.

The Indiana Daily Student

LETTER: "No fly, no buy" harms us all


Earlier this month, Congressional Democrats conducted a sit-down protest on the floor of the House of Representatives in order to advocate for gun control following the shooting in Orlando, Florida.

The Indiana Daily Student

LETTER: In response to "Indiana abortion law harms education"


In an editorial article published in the June 6th Indiana Daily Student, entitled “Indiana abortion law harms education,” the student editors claim this law compromises and infringes upon “Education at a secular, government-funded university,” by “one particular religious ideology.” They imply that this “religious ideology” is Christianity, later stating “America is not a Christian nation.”  In a Gallup poll conducted in January of this year  (, 46% of those polled consider themselves pro-life.

The Indiana Daily Student

LETTER: New arts leader named

I have always had a special affinity for art in places where art “isn’t supposed to be.” Certainly, most of us enjoy an afternoon browsing a gallery or museum, but there is something really nice about finding art in unexpected places.

The Indiana Daily Student

LETTER: BPD sweeping a sexual assault under the rug

Did you know that Bloomington’s Police Department will not investigate an incident if it occurred outside of City limits, regardless of how serious the alleged crime?

The Indiana Daily Student



Nobody cares about IUSA anymore. The average voting rate for the student body is now at less than 15%, and the voting ballot is now even easily accessible online.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter: The Pro-life movement is Pro-women


The late Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, a feminist and an accomplished American historian wrote in her article, Abortion: A War on Women that the legalization of abortion begins as a war on women because not only does it break the “binding tie between women and the children they conceive” but also because “it tells them that in order to be worthy, they must become like men...which effectively means securing freedoms from their bodies and, especially, from children.”  In her article, The Feminist Case Against Abortion, Serrin M.