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Monday, May 20
The Indiana Daily Student

The Indiana Daily Student

Gays vs. Quacks


Brown himself said conversion therapy belongs “to the dustbin of quackery,” and I hope any decent mind can agree with this.

The Indiana Daily Student

Getting the Latino vote


If Romney is able to lay out a more specific message on immigration, he might be able to attract more Latino voters tired of and disappointed by Obama’s inaction on issues of immigration.

The Indiana Daily Student

Humanism and "Bachelorette"


 I call myself a humanist. This philosophy occurred to me the other week wile I was watching a new film called “Bachelorette,” written and directed by Leslye Headland.

The Indiana Daily Student

Victim blaming and the American dream


Instead of chastising the victim, we need to focus on who committed the real wrong.  Rewriting part of the American identity and ripping off this psychological blanket may be hard, but it is necessary to affect the right kind of change.

The Indiana Daily Student

Mitt's Medicare misfortunes


Rather than focusing on criticizing Obama’s plan, the GOP campaign needs to elaborate on the positives of its approach. They need to find a way to bring older voters back into the Republican fold if they want a chance of winning. And the GOP knows this is a bigger issue than Romney’s win in November.

The Indiana Daily Student

Leslie Knope faces reality


The government can be good in small doses (and is, at times, essential). But serving the people giant portions of it denies them the option of using their God-given talent and drive to achieve something.

It's science!

Just say yes to research


Shady reputations, socially-cultivated stigmas and disputable scheduling regulations should not hinder scientists from researching any substance that could save, extend and improve human life.

The Indiana Daily Student

Filth for tv


These aren’t characters on a screen. They’re real people who suffer real consequences.

The Indiana Daily Student

Myopic Mitt


The answer isn’t just to cut these people off.  The answer is to change their minds about the right path to prosperity.

The Indiana Daily Student

Hollywood's racist hall pass


It seems like we give our white, male, upper-class celebrities a pass when it comes to problems with mental illness, aggression, violence, addiction and abuse.

The Indiana Daily Student

Zeppelin politics


I simply don’t see the point of sitting through all these speeches when we all know politicians are telling us only what they’ve been told is okay to tell.

The Indiana Daily Student

The RNC Infomercial


The Grand Old Party must deal not only with the usual myriad of expenses, protesters and security details, but, like the planners of the Democratic convention, must grapple with a declining audience.

The Indiana Daily Student

Why you should care about Ann Romney


With the Republican National Convention this week, all eyes will turn toward presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Perhaps they should instead be on the woman by his side, his wife, Ann Romney.

The Indiana Daily Student

Lessons from Honey Boo Boo


In exchange for cash, the Thompson family willingly validates the destructive lifestyle of the typical American family.

Foot in mouth

Stupid knows no bounds


Unfortunately for me, I identify with Akin’s party. Republicans and conservatives must deal with the repercussions of his idiocy.

The Indiana Daily Student

Leftists: Unite, don't squabble

Being a leftist myself, I often come into contact and conversation with people who are ever-so-concerned with “measuring their Che” rather than actually achieving any political goal, no matter how modest or grand.