“Ride Along” is an action comedy showcasing an unlikely buddy-cop duo, vis-à-vis “Rush Hour.”
Unfortunately, Kevin Hart and Ice Cube aren’t as fluid or funny a duo as Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan.
If not taken seriously, “Ride Along” can provide a lighthearted and enjoyable movie
The film and its characters are simple and predictable, and it’s obviously relying on the natural (not acting) talents of its omnipresent Hollywood star, Kevin Hart.
Hart plays Ben Barber, an immature high school security guard completely engrossed with his video game. His girlfriend (Tika Sumpter) is the sister of James Payton (Ice Cube), a hardcore Atlanta detective and the antithesis of Barber. Payton arranges to take Barber on a ride along, hoping to scare him and prevent him from marrying Payton’s sister and becoming a police officer.
Predictably, this “ride along” is the core of the movie.
Barber and Payton confront a string of petty police issues, fabricated by Payton who is hoping to humiliate Barber.
Eventually, the two end up in the middle of a high-profile drug case.
Though Hart and Ice Cube are the co-stars of the film, “Ride Along” is clearly promoted as a Kevin Hart film.
However, the premature coronation of Hart as a movie star is unwarranted.
He proves to be funny but unable to carry a decent movie alone.
The movie provides some good laughs and one impressive scene with Hart impersonating the never-before-seen drug lord.
If you are a fan of Hart, and have low expectations, “Ride Along” can provide a pleasant cinematic experience.
If you like good films and cannot bear the constant screeching sound of Kevin Hart’s screams, stay away. Save your money, and spare your ear drums.
Ride Along
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