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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student


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High school graduation rates rise


In order to get your diploma in the state of Indiana, you have to pass the ISTEP+ Algebra I Graduation Examination and the English 10 Graduation Examination, but what if you don’t care for Pythagoras or his theorems and Shakespeare isn’t your homeboy?

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Should we go to German colleges instead?


There’s a lot of reason to be paying attention to Germany lately. Never mind President Obama’s recent visit to the Bavaria region of the country for the G7 — and the scandalous revelation he drank non-alcoholic beer while he was there (#beerghazi?) — or Jeb Bush’s saber-rattling follow up in Berlin in front of an audience that sees the Iraq war as striking American disaster. The real reason is that, as a growing number of American students have discovered, Germany wants to pay for your college degree.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Women in STEM recruitment tactics appeal to all genders


The University of Washington is being praised for its successes in bringing and retaining more women in information technology fields. They share some of their methods for engaging prospective female students, but the way they are framed come off as a little sexist.


Editorial: An outbreak of ignorance and chlamydia


A high school in Texas that preaches abstinence-only sex education has found itself with a chlamydia outbreak so severe, warning notes were sent home to inform parents about the disease’s proliferation. As of Tuesday, officials in Crane Independent School District have reported 20 confirmed cases, which amounts to about 1 in 15 students.