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Sunday, May 26
The Indiana Daily Student


Words you shouldn't say

opinion illo

TIME Magazine recently ran a poll asking readers what word should be banned in 2015.

The contenders included popular words or phrases, such as “yaaaassssss” and “om nom nom,” as well as some odd ones, such as “kale” or “disrupt.”

Among all the overused, tiresome words and phrases on the list was one that seemed strangely out of place. “Feminist” was on the list, and for a time it was racking in the most votes.

The Indiana Daily Student Editorial Board literally can’t even.

TIME asserted it isn’t about feminism itself but how every celebrity “had to state their position” on the issue. This is not the point.

“Feminist” isn’t a “dirty word.” It’s a political identity and a way of life. And it is something that needs to exist in this world, because sexual assault and discrimination against women runs rampant.

We understand TIME’s poll has no real effect and that it won’t make feminism actually disappear, obviously. However, the sentiment is still the same. It indicates there are people who still believe feminism isn’t necessary.

Because men and women are treated completely equal in every way, said no one ever.

Now, it’s perfectly acceptable for people not to be feminist activists. If marching, rallying or cheering for feminist causes doesn’t quite get you turnt, we understand.

However, feminism is defined by Merriam Webster as “the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.”

That’s something every single person should be behind. And if they aren’t, then they are, quite honestly, basic.

In today’s society, we should stop pretending it’s acceptable to not be a feminist. Not supporting equality for one group of people is known as many things. Not many people will freely say blacks and whites shouldn’t be equal. However, so many people freely say feminism should not be a thing.

Saying you don’t support feminism is the same thing as saying you don’t support equal pay, equal opportunities in the workplace or equal standards of health care for women.

On their survey, the editor of TIME, Nancy Gibbs, posted a statement, apologizing for the inclusion of “feminist” on the list. She said TIME meant to “invite debate about some ways the word was used this year.”

That’s literally not even the point.

The fact that TIME included “feminist” in the list was obviously a bad idea in general. However, the more terrifying fact is it won with a plurality of the votes.

The editorial board feels as though this is a shocking insight into our culture in this nation.

To us, feminists will always be bae.

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