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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student


Style File

Mix and match your way to a new wardrobe


It’s official: Winter has reached its peak of misery. We’ve narrowly escaped frostbite, watched our cars become ice cubes and endured the first ice storm.

Honestly, what’s worse than the gut-wrenching fear of slipping to your death on ice-coated sidewalks? Not much. But one thing that comes close is the mind-numbing boredom we feel upon looking into our closets each morning. Yawn.

This is the time when fashion falls to bone-chilling temperatures and the realization that spring semester consists of more than  Little 500. You might feel down. Uninspired. Blue, even.

In fact, you may feel the urge to blow your life savings in a feeble attempt to revive your “tired” winter wardrobe — but not so fast. Save your pennies for the upcoming spring season, which promises new trends far too amazing to pass up (think soft pastels, 1950s silhouettes, art deco and athletic-chic)

Maintaining your style in the dead of winter means mixing  your wardrobe like never before. There are just a few simple recipes to keep in mind:

1) MIX PRINTS. Who knew the polka-dot blouse hanging in your closet would look so perfect with a leopard-print scarf? Clever combinations  like these make you feel like you’re wearing a new ensemble.

2) MIX TEXTURES. Try a pair of faux-leather pants with a chunky knit sweater, or a shimmery blouse with rugged distressed denim. Trés effortless.

3) MIX SEASONS. If you think your favorite sundress can only come out for spring break, think again. Throw on a pair of tights, boots and a tweed blazer and say hello to your new favorite outfit.

4) MIX COLORS. Try wearing unusual color combinations, such as neon pink and camel, or pair contrasting hues: orange and blue, yellow and purple, violet and green.

5) MIX METALS. Jewelry is the finishing touch to any ensemble, but it’s also the easiest way to enhance your everyday look. Wear equal parts gold and silver jewelry; once a major faux pas, this mix is a modern and chic update.


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