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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student


The Indiana Daily Student

State gives schools A-F grades


The Indiana Department of Education released new A-F accountability grades Wednesday. Compared to last year, more Indiana schools received the state’s lowest rating.

The Indiana Daily Student

Endorsement Roundup


Still deciding how to vote today? Throughout the election season, U.S. Senate and gubernational candidates in Indiana have been endorsed by the following organizations and individuals across the Hoosier state.

The Indiana Daily Student

Polls declares Ind. election front runners

There’s a leader emerging in the U.S. Senate race between Republican candidate and State Treasurer Richard Mourdock and Democratic Rep. Joe Donnelly, D-2nd District. Donnelly leads Mourdock 47 percent to 36 percent, according to the third Howey/DePauw Indiana Battleground Poll.

The Indiana Daily Student

County council candidates outline plans for upcoming term

In the week leading up to the elections, Monroe County Council president and Democratic candidate Geoff McKim and Republican candidate Skip Daley have sent out press releases detailing their plans for the coming term.

The Indiana Daily Student

City seeks public input on vision statement


The City of Bloomington has released a newly drafted vision statement and is seeking public input through ImagineBloomington workshops, the first of which was Monday night at the Monroe County Library.

The Indiana Daily Student

Races too close to call


Election polls aren’t everything, but if new numbers in the Senate and presidential races hold true, Election night could be a nail biter.

The Indiana Daily Student

Voters speak on the air about political stances


WHTR Indianapolis Channel 13 Eyewitness News anchors and reporters made their 10th stop of 11 since August in “Decision 2012 On the Road,” a program in which they traveled across central Indiana to talk to voters about issues that are important to them. For the most part, people are concerned about the economy and jobs, Eyewitness News anchor Andrea Morehead said.

The Indiana Daily Student

City issues grants for art projects

Applicants competed for top spots in Bloomington’s semi-annual Arts Commission Arts Project Grant Program, funded by the city’s economic development office. Applicants’ projects were evaluated for artistic quality, community impact and organizational capacity.

Indiana Governor Debate

Gubernatorial candidates spar in last debate


The three Indiana gubernatorial candidates debated for the third and last time Thursday evening in Fort Wayne. DePauw University Executive Director of Media Relations Ken Owen served as moderator of the hour-long debate between Democratic candidate John Gregg, U.S. Rep. Mike Pence, R-6th District and Libertarian candidate Rupert Boneham.

The Indiana Daily Student

Funding gap apparent in 9th District race


Closer to home, the campaigns of 9th-District Congressional candidates Democrat Shelli Yoder and Rep. Todd Young, R-Ind., aren’t spending anywhere near that amount. But there is a contrast in just how much each candidate brings in spending.