
10/3/2008 9:30pm


In case you didn't notice the downtown roadblocks, hoards of ethnic music-loving hippies and huge lotus-bearing banners, LOTUS FEST started tonight!! And although I have yet to step foot into a tent or venue, I've been having so much fun, hearing bands and street performers play on the sidewalks, including featured Lotus act Frigg. Of course, forgetting my laptop at home, I had to come back but this time I'm bringing my camera to show off the performers inside and outside of the tents.

10/3/2008 1:02pm

Weekend shows: grand openings, Lotus and so on.

FRIDAY. Full lotus schedule here. *Russian Recording Grand Opening. Free. All Ages. Facebook'd. The IDS wrote a pretty great article about RR today, too. 7:30 - 9:30 there will be acoustic performances by Simon of Kentucky Nightmare and members of Push-Pull, while later on there will be plenty of dancing with DJ LVX and Chicago's Yeah Big and Kid Static. ( ballin' photo courtesy Kid Static's myspace) *Art Hospital Grand Re-Opening.

10/2/2008 7:57pm

The Coke Dares and Prizzy Prizzy Please @ Uncle Fester's

-blog and photos my Megan Clayton: Scraggily-bearded men in tight pants and pale girls in leggings were out in packs last night at Uncle Fester's, where Pony Boy, The Coke Dares, Prizzy Prizzy Please and the Mathematicians played a punk-themed show with dance rock elements from Prizzy and straight electronica from the Mathematicians.

10/2/2008 7:32pm

Opening night @ the Buskirk

Hi all- I'm perched on the balcony at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater, catching the first act of tonight's three-band "Northern Realms" show, Waltz with Me (members Annbjorg Lien, Bruce Molsky, Mats Eden, and Christine Hanson). The Lotus Web site describes the band as the "brainchild of Norwegian Hardanger fiddle virtuoso" Lien, and incorporates bluegrass, Celtic and Swedish fiddle to create a sort of graceful yet epic tone.

10/2/2008 11:06am

Thursday 10/02 shows !

If you won't be at the Lotus opening tonight(details), here's what else is up: *Live From Bloomington presents: Noise with Jenn Cristy,IJ Quinn(whose new album you can download fo' free HERE), Eric Radoux, Ghosttown Settlers.

10/2/2008 1:35am

Your lifelong dream of being on "The Real World" might be closer.

Andy Warhol once said that "in the future, everyone will be famous." At this rate, I guess so, since everyone will be on the "Real World" with the shows ratings decent( I guess?) and folks still wanting to get that 15 minutes. You could be the next Puck!!!! On October 4, from 10 a.m.

10/1/2008 2:17pm

The calm before the storm.

Hey ya'll! Tomorrow night at 7 p.m. at the Buskirk, Lotus Fest will commence with "an evening of music from northern Europe." Featuring three of the 26 musical acts this year, the "Northern Realms" show will showcase Scottish Gaelic folk singer Julie Fowlis, Finnish/Norwegian string folk musicians Frigg and international folk quartet Waltz with Me.

10/1/2008 12:30pm

Ghostbusters III

This is actually not related to local music at all, but is just awesome. Bill Murray talks about Ghostbusters III.

10/1/2008 11:17am

Wednesday shows

Have fun! Seedy Seeds, Kentucky Nightmare, Takka Takka. All Ages. Cinemat. 8 p.m.(sharp) $5. Facebook'd. ( (courtesy Kentucky Nightmare photo) Pony Boy, Coke Dares, Prizzy Prizzy Please, Mathematicians.

9/30/2008 9:15pm

Lotus is upon us..

Stay tuned tomorrow for an introduction to this upcoming Lotus Fest. Blogging will be the Lotus Lover herself, Chelsea Merta. Come say hey to her during the fest in a foreign language, and she'll probably know it!

9/30/2008 7:31pm

q&a with Russian Recording/Push-Pull's Mike Bridavsky!

Y'all should come check out the Russian Recording Stuido Grand Opening, going on all day this Friday, also going on the same time as the Art Hospital Grand re-opening. If you don't know much about these places, here's some background info on RR and the Hospital. But now, here's a q&a on the man behind the RR studio.

9/27/2008 9:33pm

Comin' up from Live Buzz

-Sunset Rubdown post. For real. -Coverage of Merrie Sloan, Bowery Blue Boy and Cinnamon Girls at Bear's. -A tight, full-on show calendar for October and November. And next week, 'talkin bout great shows, Lotus Festival, Russian Recording Grand Opening. Also, with October on its way, the most important day of the month: Halloween.

9/27/2008 1:23pm

24th annual Live From Bloomington submissions due Nov. 15!

If you're anything like me, you have no actual musical talent. But if you're not like me and an IU student/Monroe County resident, you should get your friends together, jam and record some tunes for Live From Bloomington. Submit your jams and if the higher ups feel it, you get to be on a great compilation and play the yearly LFB Club Night.

9/26/2008 8:02pm

Weekend(9/26-9/27) shows!

I'll be living in the library the next few days due to tons and tons of school work. Here's what we know is poppin' this weekend.