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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student


Column: Approved by Little 500

Though the races don’t start until tonight, Little 500 festivities are in full swing. In fact, they have been since Saturday — or sooner, depending on exactly how seriously you take the “holiday.”

Indeed, the weekend-long event has been stretched into not just a week’s time, but a 10-to-12-day marathon. In one of my evening classes, my teacher warned us: “Class is not canceled Thursday, so I hope to see you all there!”

Truthfully, attendance will probably be at 50 percent, if that. Little 500 is treated with a borderline religious reverence. Schoolwork becomes a laughable task, and everyday responsibilities such as attending lectures, eating balanced meals and wearing acceptable clothing suddenly feel impossible.

That last part is especially significant. Themed party outfits, IU spirit wear and those slightly obnoxious fringed tailgate tees become our normal day-to-day ensembles.

Any type of “fashion sense” goes out the window. Truthfully, there’s only one semblance of a “trend” seen in Little 500 (at least this year), and it’s neon.

I felt like I saw neon everywhere I turned this week, but maybe I’m especially perceptive to the trend because I happen to love it.

Neon instantly reminds us of tacky 1980s music videos, but the trend has come a long way. (It definitely helps that our hair has become less . . . gigantic.) Women running around in neon Little 500 gear look cute and festive, not ’80s retro.

Neon feels fresh, carefree and a little bit quirky in these modern interpretations.

Sometimes it’s all in the details: Shocking pink nail polish, a bold lemon mini bag, neon green sandals or a stack of bright bracelets offer a small touch of the blinding trend.

On a less conservative note, you can also be bold (literally) and don bright neon clothes outside the Little 500 sphere.

I recently wore a loose, pinkish-orange neon dress to a formal, but sleek nude wedges and a few bracelets kept the look from being over-the-top. Since the DayGlo-inspired dress was loose and tasteful rather than skin-tight and cheap, it felt perfectly of-the-moment.

The key is to choose simple shapes and scarce accessories. If you’re a jewelry hoarder like I am, that might feel daunting, but the minimalist approach is truly the only way to embrace this Little 500-approved trend.


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