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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student


The Bishop concert to "Rot the Night Away"

Get ready to “Rot the Night Away” at The Bishop.

The gritty rock band Dreamers of the Ghetto will be headlining this Halloween thriller while other local artists are collaborating to form cover bands of Nirvana, Suicide, The Misfits and The Wipers.

“All artists involved were given free reign to organize which band they were going to cover and how they wanted to perform,” Lauren Jones, a member of Dreamers of the Ghetto said. “Everyone has taken a real initiative to make this a really cool experience.”

Lauren, along with her husband Luke Jones and his brother Jonathan Jones, make up Dreamers of the Ghetto.

The bands will rock the stage at 8 p.m. Sunday. They will perform for about a half an hour each, with Dreamers of the Ghetto taking the stage at midnight.

Following the live acts, there will be dancing with DJ’s Zayla, McVicious and SJ playing until 2 a.m.

Dreamers, the only band of the night playing their original music, is ready to end the show with a bang.

Luke Jones said his band is collaborating with Marty McVicious to make this the first live show Dreamers of the Ghetto have performed with electronic beats.

“We tend to be a very vocal band and use all three members to create harmonies and a certain romance in our music,” Luke Jones said. “It will be energetic to say the least.”

Attendees are encouraged to wear costumes. Lauren Jones said everyone performing will be dressed up as well.

“It’s going to be really fun,” Lauren Jones said. “(Rumors) is planning a big costume change in the middle of our set. I can’t give too much away, but a lot of spandex will be involved.”

The Bishop is a venue with a loyal fan base, but Jonathan Jones said he expects this event will draw an even larger crowd than usual.

“We have had people tell us that they moved their Halloween parties so they won’t conflict with this show,” Jonathan Jones said. “Local concert goers are excited for this event, and we encourage everyone to stop by while making their Halloween rounds in Bloomington.”

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