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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student


Guster keeps it together

Brandon Foltz

As soon as the lights in the IU Auditorium went down Tuesday night, everyone in the crowd jumped to their feet, screaming. Guster took the stage amid swirling yellow and blue stage lights and quickly began to play. The crowd stayed pumped up throughout the show, dancing and clapping along with the music, and enthusiastic fans punctuated the words of the songs with joyful shouts and screams.\nDaniel Jacobson wore a handmade T-shirt that read “10th Guster Show.” He said he has been a fan since eighth grade, and has been attending Guster shows in Indiana for four years. He said the only outside Indiana that he attended was at Xavier University in Cincinnatti. \n“I love their drummer,” he said. “The bongos and hand drums add a really amazing and unique element to their sound.” \nThough the crowd praised Guster, talk show host Jake Sasseville, who emceed the concert, elicited quite a few boos in between opener Brett Dennen’s set and Guster. He mistakenly addressed the audience as being from “Illinois University,” garnering the ire of the crowd until he left the stage. \nBut their ire vanished as soon as Guster took the stage.\n“They have a unique style that’s very chilled and upbeat, and spreads good vibes,” said freshman Evan Snipes.

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