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Sunday, June 2
The Indiana Daily Student

Who do you need to talk to so badly?

You know the saying, "The clothes make the man?" It's almost the same with people and cell phones. Cell phones can make a person feel important and look cool. But some users want to show this in blunt ways. Now, I'm not intending to insult every cell phone user because then I would have hate mail from nearly everyone who reads this column. But there are certain types of people who just feel the need to show everyone that because they have a cell phone they are important. \nFirst, there is the "drama queen." You all know you've seen her, walking down the street talking as loud as she possibly can into her phone. The reason she's talking so loud is that she wants everyone to hear her conversation. She wants everyone to know how important it is that she's holding a conversation with the person on the other end, and it can't possibly wait until she's in her car or at home. She'll even talk on the phone in the main floor of the library, even though people around her are studying. A "drama queen's" conversation with the other person isn't just a normal conversation, though. It is typically a conversation re-telling a night at a party, or a break-up -- really anything that forces her to stay on the phone for a long time. She might have a life, but she wants everyone around her to know about it. The "drama queen" is typically female, but I have observed many males talking loudly into their cell phones about their friends' party the other night, and passers-by can't help but overhear.\nThen there is the "bond trader." Very often in the downtown areas of big cities, businessmen will be walking in suits and ties, briefcases in hand, cell phones glued to their ears, as they bark out commands like, "Sell! Sell!" The businessman typically talks to the person on the other end of the phone about stocks or his company while in the presence of others, and sometimes he will raise his voice to emphasize whatever point he is trying to make. He's been known to try to impress women with his knowledge of stocks, bonds, etc. To do this, he'll sit close enough to the women so they can hear his conversation, which he'll litter with big business words. In some cases, he'll pretend to talk to someone on the other line, as I observed when a young man was talking on his cell phone for a while, closing a business deal of some sort, when all of a sudden, his cell phone actually rang. \nLast is the "accessorizer." This person spends more time playing snake on her cell phone than talking on it. Typically a young person, she has all sorts of cell phone covers to match her outfits or her mood. She is the first to have her phone ring to the tune of "Oops, I did it again," and she switches it to different songs when other people copy her. The "accessorizer" is different from the "drama queen" and the "bond trader" because she opts to get attention from others by the look and sound of her cell phone, rather than her conversations on it. \nThese people may be showing off subconsciously, but there's no need. They just need to mature and use a cell phone without other intents. \nSuch as matching its cover to one's nail polish.

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