We're coming to you from the O'Hare Marriott in Chicago, where Big Ten Media Day has gathered the basketball coaches from the Big Ten to sit at round tables and answer questions as us sweaty media guys crowd them with our microphones and digital voice recorders.

Anyway, we came into today looking to, obviously, get some more quotes about IU from coach Kelvin Sampson and the players and to ask a variety of Big Ten coaches about 1.) IU and 2.) their teams.

Instead, we've heard, almost exclusively, discussion about recruiting centered on Eric Gordon's defection from Illinois. Sampson has been his typically quiet self about the situation, deflecting questions (he cracked about a reporter's syntax at one point) and generally refusing comment.

Other coaches have not been so quiet. Bruce Weber has discussed the situation rather openly and without naming names and has addressed potential changes in the recruiting system at large. Purdue coach Matt Painter said that it was unfortunate situation for all sides, that he understood the desire to leave under new circumstances but that Gordon, once enticed by IU, should have told Illinois immediately - avoided the "soap opera," as Painter put it - so their staff could recruit another player. Painter had the money quote:

Some kids will say 'Hey, I'm verbally committed to that school, but I'm listening.' Then you're not verbally committed. That's like telling your fiance, 'Hey, I'm still committed to you and we're going to get married ... but I'm going to go on a couple of dates.' I don't think she's going to buy that one.

Opinion among coaches and the media certainly seems mixed about the Gordon situation. So, we're curious: what do you think? Do you think Sampson should have laid off? Or was he right to go after EJ, even if it meant alienating a large portion of Big Ten head coaches? Leave us your opinion in the comments.

Also, look for more complete coverage - of both the Gordon saga and, you know, this year's Hoosier squad - later this week in the IDS.

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