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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

crime & courts

Police investigating $2,600 Victoria's Secret shoplifting

Region Filler

A shoplifter stole $2,600 worth of merchandise Tuesday from the Victoria’s Secret in Bloomington’s College Mall.

The manager of the clothing store called police at about 2 p.m. to report multiple instances of shoplifting by a single person, Bloomington Police Department Detective Sgt. Dana Cole said.

At about 11 a.m. that morning a man entered the store, took several shirts from a display rack, went behind a display case, put the shirts inside a bag and left the store, the complainant said.

About 15 minutes later the same man returned, took more merchandise from a display and removed it from the store in the same way. The suspect was described as black and about 6 feet tall. He was wearing a black baseball cap, black long-sleeve shirt and black Adidas jogging pants.

Police obtained security video footage and will continue to investigate, Cole said. The manager told them she believed the same suspect had committed a previously reported shoplifting at the store.

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