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Wednesday, March 5
The Indiana Daily Student

Your wardrobe's most embarrassing moments


Sometimes it can be hard to tell at the time — that pink velour sweatsuit was so cute, right? But then we look back and cringe at what we used to wear. Here’s a look at some of the worst trends from the past few decades.

Perms: Ah, ’80s hair. Did they not know they looked ridiculous? Not to mention how bad perms and all of that product is for your hair.

Mullets: Another painful memory in the history of hair.

Stirrup pants: For those times when you really needed your pants to stay attached to your feet.

Shoulder pads: In the ’80s, shoulder pads weren’t just for football players.

Legwarmers/aerobic wear: This was even worse if it wasn’t worn for the purpose of working out.

Wallets on chains: A pocket for your wallet works just as well, really.

Skater style: Think skate shoes, T-shirts, and studs. Most people who dressed like this weren’t even “skaters.”

Mood rings: These were amusing for about five seconds, but definitely not fashionable.  
Zigzag parts: Because straight parts in your hair just weren’t good enough.

Parachute pants: These tried to make a comeback, but let’s hope they don’t become mainstream.

Short denim mini-skirts: These were a middle school staple, and they used to say, “I’m a part of the in crowd.” Now, not so much.

Popped collars on polos: And layered polos with popped collars. Usually worn by “preppy” boys.

Chunky hair highlights: Ideal for when you want to look like a zebra, but not the rest of the time.

Platform flip-flops
: It’s a good thing these aren’t in style anymore because they’re pretty impractical. Unless you just want to give yourself a little height boost, of course.

Frosted tips/spiked hair: Justin Timberlake did it, so it was cool, right? No.

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