Based on a true story, “Gimme Shelter” chronicles the roller coaster journey of its teenage protagonist Apple Bailey (Vanessa Hudgens). Apple is a hard-edged and pregnant teenager, a byproduct of her troubled past riddled with poverty, displacement and rejection.
Hudgens does an excellent job adopting Apple’s coarse persona and appearance, but she’s unable to deliver a persuasive heartfelt performance.
It’s the movie’s antagonist, played by Rosario Dawson, who delivers the most compelling performance.
Dawson plays Apple’s mother, June, a drug-addicted woman who’s filthy inside and out. After seeing glimpses of her character, it’s no surprise Apple wants so desperately to escape her depressing conditions.
Apple runs away from her mother only to find her rich father and his wife, both of whom try to force her to abort her baby. Instead, Apple dashes out of the clinic and into the throes of homelessness.
Here, we witness the painful reality of homelessness. Viewers are taken on the heartbreaking journey of a pregnant teen without a home or shelter.
She eats out of dumpsters and breaks into parked cars for refuge, eventually asking God for help. This gripping part of the film will have you fighting to hold back tears.
Apple escapes homelessness by ending up in the hospital.
Whether by chance or God answering her plea, she meets the priest of the hospital (James Earl Jones), who convinces her to go to a home for pregnant teenagers.
Apple finally finds a home at this homeless shelter. She finds comfort and camaraderie with the teenagers at the home. More important, this home shows her the power of motherhood.
It highlights the benevolent work of Kathy DiFiore, the real life hero who inspired this film.
DiFiore, played by Anne Dowd, created an environment that gave these women hope and a sense of self-worth.
The home, the sisterly bond and most important, her baby, allow Apple to make a remarkable transformation. She blossoms into a beautiful, tender, responsible young woman.
In a heartwarming finish, Apple is finally rewarded when her father decides to take in his daughter and grandchild, giving Apple a permanent home.
Following Apple’s journey and witnessing the power of motherhood makes this film a must-see.
It gives invaluable insight on homelessness and the power of motherhood, and to see this true story manifested on screen is inspiring.
Gimme Shelter
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