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Friday, Dec. 13
The Indiana Daily Student

Baddest episodes of all


In only two short weeks, “Breaking Bad” will conclude its historic run, one the Guinness World Records will acknowledge as the “Highest Rated TV Series” of all time in 2014.

Despite the program’s heightened pop culture relevance, there are still plenty of people who have never heard of Heisenberg or ricin.

Although you should watch all of the episodes before digesting next weekend’s finale, not everyone has time for that. Here’s a rundown of the series’ five essential episodes thus far to help you stragglers catch up quickly.


“… And The Bag’s in the River” (Episode 3)

Season 1 of “Breaking Bad” established the show’s vital elements, including its dark humor and brilliantly constructed monologues. The show’s pilot nails the show’s manic storytelling energy, but it was the episode “… And the Bag’s in the River” that showed just how fearless the show could be while taking its time. It only takes three episodes for Walter White to commit murder, and his very first kill still goes down as one the most emotionally draining of the series. Lesson for the wise: don’t feed hostages sandwiches.


“One Minute” (Episode 27)

The silent cousins that played antagonist at the start of Season 3 were arguably the most generic in the show, but they get a proper send-off in this classic episode. The shootout in the parking lot is one of the show’s most iconic moments, and it sets up Hank’s character arc for the rest of the series. Also, it features what is arguably Aaron Paul’s greatest performance as Jesse Pinkman, as he embraces his role as villain after his incident with Hank.  

“Half Measures” (Episode 32)

One of “Breaking Bad’s” signature moves is to introduce a minor character, only to have him or her become a major part of the storyline down the road. “Half Measures” does this better than any episode in the series, by giving Mike’s character a multi-dimensionality that would make him a fan-favorite. Mike’s “no more half measures” speech wins my vote as the best “Breaking Bad” monologue, and the episode’s jaw-dropping final scene changed the show forever.


“Crawl Space” (Episode 44)

Season 4 slowly cranked up the intensity with each episode, before (literally) exploding with a climactic benchmark that will always rank among the most intense in the series. The intensity is built up, thanks to the beautiful cinematography that controls this episode, starting with Gus’ threat to murder Walt’s family in the New Mexico desert, and concluding with the haunting screams of Walt in his home’s crawl space. It might not be as flashy as Season 4’s finale, but “Crawl Space” still stands as the most terrifying moment in the show.


“To’hajiilee” / “Ozymandias” (Episodes 59 & 60)

Yes, I’m cheating by counting these two as one episode, but the two most recent episodes of “Breaking Bad” practically serve as a two-part finale for the series. In these two episodes, we get closure on almost every story arc remaining. Finally, Walt gets what is coming to him, and it all plays out more tragically than we could have ever anticipated. These two episodes are among the best ever crafted for television, with the perfect acting, writing and cinematography that the show has been known to deliver. With only two episodes left, it’s hard to imagine the show ever being able to top the one-two punch of these episodes.

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