Take it from a driving student who has paid for all of three parking tickets here: It’s not worth the risk.
If a spot seems too good to be true, it probably is. We’ve compiled information from IU’s Office of Parking Operations and City of Bloomington Parking Services for parking on and off campus. If all else fails, keep an eye out for signs, pavement paint or money-sucking meters.
On campus
Most permits in the five zones run from July through June, though summer plans are available. Know your permit’s information like the back of your hand, including expiration date and other rules.
A Permit
Faculty and staff
Any A, C or E spot
C Permit
Faculty, staff and research assistants
Any C spot
D Permit
Students living in a residence hall
Any D space, dependent upon residence hall
E Permit
Students, faculty and staff
Any E spot, typically located around Memorial Stadium and behind the Cyberinfrastructure Building. Be prepared to move your car from the stadium lots for game days.
F Permit
Students, faculty and staff
Any non-24-hour space on weekends and from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. on weekdays.
No permit
Any vehicle may park in any D or E space from 5 p.m. Friday to 11 p.m. Sunday. Campus spots are free on designated days listed at parking.indiana.edu.
University parking garages are free Saturdays and Sundays. During weekdays, you get more than 50 percent off Indiana Memorial Union lot rates if you provide a receipt as proof of purchase at the IMU.
Off campus
Neighborhood Parking Permits
If your house or apartment does not include parking options, your best friend is the city residential permit.
To locate your place of residence and its appropriate zone, check the map at bloomington.in.gov. Purchase your permit for $25 at City Hall, but be sure to bring copies of your current lease and vehicle registration. Each residence is allowed one visitor’s permit, also $25. All permits expire Aug. 15 every year.
Downtown parking
Various spaces throughout downtown Bloomington are available for 15-minute to 2-hour parking. Most signs say parking is free for the weekend after 5 p.m. Friday, though some spots around the square go into Saturday before the 2-hour limitation disappears.
Put it in park

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