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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Jetpacks not quite clearing the pit


While We Were Promised Jetpacks’ second full-length LP, “In the Pit of the Stomach,”is certainly a pleasant album to listen to, that might not exactly be a good thing.

Straight out of Scotland,Jetpacks know how to thrash their instruments into a satisfying rock song. But what it seems the group has forgotten is how to finish the song, as each track is rather forgettable, one bleeding into the next.

It might be easy to cut Jetpacks some slack as this is its second LP, and it appears lead singer Adam Thompson is still trying to figure out how to use his sweet Scottish accent most effectively.

The only problem is the first album, “These Four Walls,” was excellent. Songs like “Quiet Little Voices” and “It’s Thunder and It’s Lightning” built to a fever pitch, then rewarded the listener with a line like “Because it’s thunder and it’s lightning and it’s all things too frightening” that you find yourself singing during the next storm.

Not to mention Thompson sounded much more Scottish in 2009.

There is no reward to listening to “In the Pit of the Stomach,” and that pretty much sucks. What can a listener do when there isn’t a single stand-out track to latch onto? Here’s hoping Jetpacks do better next time, because they’ve shown in the past they have what it takes.

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