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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Occasionally amazing 'Grace'


Who says disco is dead?

Well, it probably is, but The Rapture’s third full-length LP, “In the Grace of Your Love,” delivers some pretty funky dance tunes reminiscent of an era long since passed.

While most songs designed for dance parties are slightly lacking in the lyrics department, “Grace” often pairs synth lines with religious undertones that at times can seem a little odd. Not that it really matters — if you play it loud enough with a Solo cup in your hand, you can still get down to it.

The title track easily stands out from the rest of the album as lead singer Luke Jenner abandons his sometimes-nasally style and just belts out some good tunes. This is definitely one track to add to the party playlist.

There are slower moments like “Miss You” and the finale “It Takes Time To Be a Man” that don’t seem to fit. This effort by The Rapture might have been better off omitting a few songs to be a more selective dance EP, but then they wouldn’t have substance as a band — or whatever.

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