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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

sports football

Student files protective order against IU football player

An IU student filed a protective order against IU football running back Darius Willis a month after she reported domestic battery to the police.

No charges were filed against Willis or have been filed since. The woman refused to press charges against Willis when the incident occurred.

An injunction was originally issued Jan. 18 for an incident Dec. 14 when the woman reported Willis throwing her against a wall and grabbing her throat. The order was issued ex parte, meaning Willis wasn’t there to give a defense.

Willis requested a hearing Feb. 25. The court found he represented a credible threat, and there was evidence, through medical records and statements, that violence occurred.

He is ordered to stay away from the woman and to keep from contacting her. The protective order will expire Aug. 25. 

The IU Athletics Department Associate Director of media relations, Jeff Keag, said Willis and Coach Kevin Wilson weren’t available for comment.

“We are aware of the situation and have no further comment at this time,” Keag said.

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