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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Man bites woman twice on neck, asks for sex

A woman reported to Bloomington police being grabbed inappropriately and bitten on the neck Friday morning.

The 18-year-old woman reported that as she walked south on Washington Street near a bus station, she was approached by an unknown male, said Sgt. Jeff Canada of the Bloomington Police Department.

The male walked in front of her, she reported, and wouldn’t let her pass. He put his hand on her bottom and bit the right side of her neck.

He grabbed her again and bit the left side of her neck. He then grabbed her arm and asked if she wanted to have sex.

She was able to run away and called the police at about 12:46 a.m. She said she was walking alone and didn’t know what to do.

She was taken to Bloomington Hospital and had visible abrasions on her neck. She described the man as wearing a green jacket, jeans and tennis shoes.

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