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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student


Krista Detor performs new album live

Krista Detor

Supporters of local singer-songwriter Krista Detor gathered Saturday in anticipation of her newest album, “Chocolate Paper Suites.”

Since the release of “Mudshow” in 2006, Detor has gained international recognition as well as recognition by both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

At the event, which took place at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater, Detor performed the entire album, “Chocolate Paper Suites,” for a live audience.

“I really enjoyed her last album and am anxious to see how her music has evolved since then,” Bloomington native Jim Calli said.

Before Detor came on stage, the audience was entertained by the juggling of Steven Ragatz, an IU graduate and Cirque du Soleil juggler.

“He was terrific,” Bloomington resident Carolyn VandeWiele said after his act. “He can do more with his feet and an eye gesture than just about anyone out there.”

After a brief intermission, Detor performed each suite, a set of three songs, preceded by interaction with the audience. Between suites, Detor would tell jokes and explain the motivation behind her music.

The environment of the night was tranquil and soothing. The audience was lulled into a calm enjoyment of Detor’s music, followed by outbursts of laughter when she spoke to them.

Detor said she was pleased with Bloomington’s support not only of her music, but also local talent in general.

“Sometimes we don’t know what we’ve got here, but it’s really something great,” she said.

Detor’s encore featured performers Dena El-Saffar, Kaia, Janiece Jaffe and Keith

Detor’s band for the night featured David Weber, Steve Mascari and Jamey Reid.
“Chocolate Paper Suites” will be available online and in stores Sept. 21. Her next appearance in Bloomington will be at her annual holiday show, “Letters Home,” on Dec. 2 at KRC Catering.

In the meantime, Detor will be touring to promote the album in various places.
“I think people are hungry for the opportunity to showcase this city’s talents,” Bloomington resident Janet Cullen said.

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