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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

Ballroom club grows, includes new dance styles

An increasing number of IU students are taking time from their Thursdays to participate in the IU Ballroom Dance Club.

This year, the student-run organization has grown to 150 members.
Interest in the club seems to be steadily increasing, senior Sasha Fainberg, marketing and public relations director for the club said in an e-mail.

“A primary goal of ours last year was to increase membership, and we’ve certainly met that and exceeded our expectations going into this year,” she said in the e-mail.

Each Thursday, the dance club meets to learn new dances as well as socialize and
dance freely.

Last week, members learned the Mambo and Jive. This week, they will learn the Waltz
and Salsa.

“I’m looking forward to the Salsa. I love the way it lets you move with your partner,” freshman Lauren Whitson said.

Whitson, like many of the club’s members, found out about the club through her ballroom and social dance class.

A big problem for the club in the past has been the lack of male participation.

However, things seem to be changing as nearly all female members have a male dancing partner this year.

Though many members participate for fun and exercise, some decide to challenge themselves by competing with IU Dancesport.

Senior Xavier Medina competes with the team and has danced for more than 11 years.

“The team is a moderate commitment, and constantly working with the same partner can be strenuous,” Medina said.

Yet, he said he feels the commitment of the team depends on how far one wishes to go with their skills.

While many people do choose to dance competitively, others said they are there simply for the joy of dancing. Throughout the year, the club will plan several activities and theme nights.

“We are planning to move beyond ballroom dancing with collaboration nights with the Swing Club and possibly even having a jazz night,” Fainberg said.

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