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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

En garde


B-sides sometimes mean “bad sides,” but in the case of British singer-songwriter and former Smiths frontman Morrissey, the latest B-side compilation album, “Swords,” should get a “K” for kick-ass.

Fiona Apple enthusiast? Check.

Muse’s epic Spanish conquests? Check.

Captivating snake-charmer melodies? Check.

Morrissey rolls all of these things up deliciously into a package of his unconventional brand of musical inflexibility as he takes from his past three critically-acclaimed solo albums.

With that said, it would be wrong to criticize the compilation’s overall lack of cohesiveness. It doesn’t flow, but individually, the tunes are absolutely stunning, enhanced by piano and acoustic guitar theatrics reminiscent of Brechtian cabaret.

At age 50, Morrissey’s voice is a downtrodden lull, singing songs about “softening the stains to his heart” and why staring is rude in offbeat titles such as “Don’t Make Fun of Daddy’s Voice” and “Christian Dior.”

The duel going on here isn’t because Morrissey can’t establish a musical identity – it’s because he is still searching for the best way to reconcile multiple ones.

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