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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Shout out: What's your anti-booty music?

“Once, I was dating this girl and we were making out and the CD we were listening to ended. She got up and put on this death-sounding, satanic noise stuff, and it just totally ruined the mood. It made me afraid of who I was with.”

Michael Anderson, owner of TDs CDs and LPs.

“It depends on what you’re into (sexually), I guess. If I associate the Supremes with grandma, I’m not gonna put that on when I’m getting it on with a girl, because that’s just weird.”

Andrew Wilburn, IU student

“Whatever the music is to get you in the mood, it should have some kind of rhythm to it. You should not be actively listening to it the whole time while doing it, however. As far as what the music is, I’m down for pretty much anything else besides Kid Rock or Creed, or Nickelback, because they’re gross.”

Sarah Fuller, IU Student

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