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Tuesday, March 11
The Indiana Daily Student

Gov. Daniels makes appearance at rally

Supporters hope to energize their ‘Man Mitch’

While firefighters served hamburgers and hot dogs, and supporters signed the “Mitch Daniels for Governor” RV One, the sea of green-and-white “My Man Mitch” T-shirts waited for Indiana’s current governor to make an appearance.

Thirty minutes into the pre-debate rally Tuesday evening at Seventh Street and Woodlawn Avenue, Gov. Mitch Daniels arrived for a quick appearance, receiving applause from the crowd. As supporters rushed to ask questions and pose for pictures, Daniels smiled and joked with each eager constituent.

“I hope I’m not getting in the way of studying,” Daniels said to one student, who admitted to having an important exam approaching.

Junior Nick Banich, a volunteer for the governor’s campaign, said he liked the energy that Daniels has brought to state politics.

“There has been so much focus on the Obama effect, of him getting the young turnout, so it’s great to see all these students pulling for Mitch,” Banich said. “I think it’s a great turnout since it’s midterm week.”

Daniels said a “big lift” for him every election is that many of his voters are young.
“We’d like to thank all of the young people that help us,” Daniels said.

Leonard Murray, 51, a volunteer for the Brown County Volunteer Fire Department, said he and some other members of his department came to the rally because they support Daniels.

“He’s done a lot to support townships in Indiana,” Murray said. “I think it was important for him to come and mingle with people here. It shows that he’s approachable.”

Daniels only appeared briefly, but Banich said he thought it was significant that Daniels would take the time out before the debate to get the audience energized.

“It speaks highly of who he is,” Banich said. “Every decision he makes, he makes with the state’s best intentions at heart.”

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