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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student


Hoosiers pull out win in final match of weekend

Shutout in two games by Northwestern and losing another to a walk-off home run may have chiseled at the IU softball team’s will, but it did not break it.\nDown 6-2 after five innings, the Hoosiers (13-31, 3-11) battled back to salvage their final game of the weekend with a 9-7 win over Michigan State.\nEven though IU could not deliver a run in Evanston, Ill., the defeats exposed the Hoosiers to experiences they never want to endure again.\n“Those losses were tough to Northwestern, but we know we represent ourselves better than those games,” IU coach Stacey Phillips said. “We continued our fight and competed to the greatest extent against Michigan State by almost winning the first, but capturing the second game.”\nDespite trailing 6-2 after five innings, the Hoosiers were not ready to pull the plug. Phillips’ squad drilled four home runs to propel a seven-run comeback – all in the last two innings of the contest. \nSenior captain and catcher Tory Yamaguchi showed what being a leader is all about in the clutch. Yamaguchi, who bats out of the clean-up spot, nailed a two–run double to right center field in the seventh inning to squeeze past the Spartans. \n“I didn’t come through for the team in the first game, but I knew I needed to stay with it during that last at-bat in the second game,” Yamaguchi said. “I faced the same pitcher that got me out three or four times the first game, but I said to myself, ‘I got to go,’ and came up with the hit.”\nEven though the season has not lived up to the team’s expectations, Yamaguchi is not giving up on her teammates. As a player who has battled through numerous injuries, Yamaguchi leads by example from the plate and in the field. The Woodland Hills, Calif., native leads her team with 22 RBIs and is tied with junior shortstop Emily Bergeson for a team-high five home runs. In the field, Yamaguchi plays both first baseman and catcher. Behind the plate, she has thrown-out 13 opposing base runners. Phillips said Yamaguchi’s mental toughness aids her success all year long. \n“Tory stays more relaxed and focused than any player I’ve seen in crucial moments of a game,” Phillips said. “She has come up huge for us this year and truly jells the team together.”\nThe Hoosiers had multiple chances to knock off the Spartans in the first game of the doubleheader, but ultimately failed. IU stranded 10 runners on base and only registered five hits. Michigan State ended the game with a walk-off home run in the seventh inning.\nRecuperating from the loss, the Hoosiers believe remaining strong develops teamwork and positive production. \n“It felt so good to beat Michigan State because we all came together and contributed as one,” freshman left fielder Brittany Devitt said. “I know we can do the same versus Louisville at home on Wednesday.”

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