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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

La Casa, latina sorority to host film screening today

‘Yo Soy Boricua’ depicts US-Puerto Rican relations

La Casa Latino Cultural Center and Gamma Phi Omega International Sorority will host a free screening of “Yo Soy Boricua, Pa’Que Tu Lo Sepas (I’m Boricua, Just So You Know)” at 7 p.m. today at La Casa. \nThe movie, which was directed by Rosie Perez, will focus on the history of Puerto Rico and its relationship with the United States. The screening is part of the women’s history month events on campus.\nSenior and Gamma Phi Omega member Adrienne Garcia said the movie explains how U.S. experiments have damaged the beauty of Puerto Rico.\nGarcia said one of the experiments that unfolds in the movie is the testing of birth control on Puerto Rican women, many of whom later became sterile.\n“Overall, it displays their history and the core of what they are,” Garcia said. \nGamma Phi Omega and La Casa decided to screen the movie because both said they think Puerto Rico is underrepresented. \n“Cultural awareness is one of our goals,” Garcia said. “(We) often strive to show new things that haven’t been talked about.”\nLa Casa Director Lillian Casillas said members of Gamma Phi Omega approached her about it and thought it would be a great movie and a good way to celebrate women’s history month. \nBoth Garcia and Casillas said Puerto Ricans are forgotten under the huge Latino umbrella. \nSophomore Heydi Correa said she thinks no one really represents Puerto Ricans.\nCorrea, who previously saw the documentary, plans on attending today’s screening.\n“Hopefully once people see it, they will understand where I am coming from,” Correa said. \nCorrea, who is Puerto Rican, said she wants people to understand why she is so proud of her cultural background after watching the movie.\nAccording to the Internet Movie Database Web site, the movie is in English and is an hour and 26 minutes long.\nGarcia said there will be a discussion on the topic after the movie, if time allows.

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