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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student


Club juggles time, fun

Not all club athletes can necessarily run fast, lift heavy weights or jump high. Members of the IU Juggling Club practice a different kind of sport.\nThe IU Juggling Club, founded in the early 1980s by local performer and IU graduate Steven Ragatz is more than just fun and games.\n“It’s a place where people who juggle can get together and share their skills,” said David Heald, the adviser to the club and current computer programmer for the University Information Technology Services. \nThere are about 12 or 13 members of the group, but current President and junior Alan Thompson said usually six to seven show up at any one meeting.\n“Having a club really helps you to understand what is possible with juggling, and it provides that perfect environment to become amazing,” Thompson said.\nThe free club works with many different props.\n“(We work with) mostly clubs because those are better for passing,” graduate student Tarek Fadali said. “But we also do balls, rings and various other things.” \nThe club lets members explore their skills and styles with any prop or trick they are comfortable with. \n“The question isn’t what prop you work with, it’s how good you are,” Heald said. “In the past I’ve also worked with the diabolo,” which is a prop consisting of a spool that is spun and tossed on a string tied to two sticks. \nOther members even venture with perishable props. \n“I had a trick where I juggled three apples while eating one of them,” Fadali said, “but I haven’t worked on it for a while and never got it quite right.” \nSome members like to experiment with cigar boxes, balancing tricks, unicycles, ball spinning and bouncing.\nClub members said juggling can be fun for anyone who wants to start. \n“If the person is genuinely interested and has a positive can-do attitude, any person can learn the basic three-ball pattern in an hour spread over a week,” Thompson said.\n“Some people just want to know the basics. Some seem born to do it,” Heald added. “Most are in between. Dedication has a lot to do with it. I’ll help anybody who wants to come to the club.”\nThe group also participates with other enthusiasts. \n“Mostly we go to festivals put on by other clubs,” Thompson said. “It’s always great to meet other jugglers. We are also very good friends with the Indianapolis Juggling Club.” \nAs for the future of the club, Thompson wants to expand its current membership to anyone interested. There is a call-out meeting scheduled from 2 to 4 p.m. Feb. 10 in the Health, Physical Education and Recreation building, room 293.

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