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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Man convicted of IU student’s murder seeks to appeal ruling

Patrick Baker, defense attorney for the man convicted of killing IU sophomore Jill Behrman in 2000, filed an appeal Sept. 21 – a move his mother and lawyers expect will result in a new trial. \nJohn Myers II was convicted last October of the murder. He has maintained his innocence since. In the appeal, his defense has called foul against the trial’s proceedings – specifically allegations of juror misconduct and a denial for a change of venue, said his mother, Jodie Myers.\nThe appeal is the latest effort in an already months-long attempt to prove John Myers’ innocence. A decision could be reached by the beginning of March, Jodie Myers said. \nThe state might choose one of three different avenues when rendering a decision, Jodie Myers said. First, they could overturn the ruling altogether. While Jodie Myers said this decision is unlikely, it is much more likely the state will call for new trial, she said. The court might also reject the defense’s appeal altogether.The 75-page appeal focused on several different aspects of the trial for appeals judges to consider, Jodie Myers said. Specifically, along with claims of juror misconduct and the trial judges’ refusal to grant a change of venue, Myers said the appeal discusses the validity of a testimony made by John Myers’ grandmother. That testimony was largely believed to be a crushing blow to John Myers’ defense during the original trial. In it, the grandmother recalled a conversation with John Myers, which would later work to incriminate him.\nJodie Myers said the statement was largely based on hearsay and therefore should be expelled. The prosecutor from the case has 30 days to submit a rebuttal to the defense’s appeal, but will likely receive extensions for up to 90 days, Jodie Myers said.

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