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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Judge approves order blocking automated calls

NASHVILLE, Ind. -- A judge has approved an order blocking a California-based group from making automated calls attacking Democratic congressional candidate Baron Hill, who is challenging Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Sodrel in the 9th District.\nIndiana Attorney General Steve Carter sued the Economic Freedom Fund earlier this month in Brown County after receiving 12 consumer complaints about the calls, which are prohibited by state law unless previously agreed to by the recipient.\nThe state's lawsuit sought injunctions and fines of $5,000 for each violation.\nUnder an agreed entry signed Monday by Brown Circuit Court Judge Judith Stewart, the Economic Freedom Fund agreed to stop making the calls while litigation proceeds. A hearing set for Wednesday was canceled because of the order.\nCarter filed a similar lawsuit Monday in Harrison County against Washington, D.C.-based American Family Voices, accusing it of violating state law by making prerecorded phone calls attacking Sodrel.\n"I'm hopeful that American Family Voices will follow this early lead of the Economic Freedom Fund," Carter said in a news release.\nA hearing in the American Family Voices case is scheduled for next month.

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