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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student


Student response mixed on departure

Junior Matt Conroy is embarrassed to be a Hoosier fan right now.\nIU men's basketball fans across the state -- feeling embarrassed by their team or otherwise -- have had plenty of conversation fodder.\nThe discussion stems from IU coach Mike Davis' resignation, effective at the end of the season. Davis cited a desire to allow IU to move on as a program and get "one of their own."\n"I think, now, we are going in the right direction," Conroy said. "But it's sad that fans could hate a coach just a few years after taking us to a national championship."\nConroy is not the only student who feels Hoosier fans have fanned the flames that eventually engulfed Davis.\n"Booing our players and coach was unacceptable," said sophomore John Felts. "Davis seems like a nice guy."\nBut neither Felts nor Conroy are apologists for IU's recent losing skid.\n"The turning point for me was when Davis essentially blamed the fans for (the team's) performance," Conroy said. \nNot all students were so cordial when discussing Davis' legacy.\nSenior Randy DeVaney remained positive about the future of the IU men's basketball program, but held little back about the embattled and resigned coach. \n"I believe Mike Davis is a very bad basketball coach," DeVaney said. "We're not celebrating (his resignation), but after the last few games, we figured he would be fired."\nDeVaney also said IU will land a high-profile coach without delay. However, he added that he believes next year will be a difficult, losing season. The potential for such a season, he said, could be exacerbated by top players and recruits signalling that they go as Davis goes: anywhere but IU.\n"I can't imagine that we will make the tournament (next year)," DeVaney said.\nJunior Betsy Henke approached the news of Davis' ending tenure from a different angle.\nThe IU Student Association presidential candidate (with the Hoosier Party) said she hopes, if elected, to work with the IU Athletics Department so students aren't left paying for the $800,000 IU agreed to pay Davis after his resignation. \n"We, as a ticket, would be open to working with the Athletics Department to find new and creative ways to enhance student experience here," Henke said. "Without (IUSA and the Athletics Department) working together, there will be continuing years of increasing fees." \nHenke also said she was sad to see Davis go, but respected his decision.\n"(Davis) will be missed," she said. "I think he has IU's best interest in mind and that's the root of his decision.\n"I just hope we can win the next few games so we can really dance"

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