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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

This 'wax' melted in Theaters

I applaud the people responsible for the "House of Wax" DVD. Many times I have criticized DVDs that include few special features but I say that in this case to be sparing is good. They could have been even less generous in what they chose to include. The several "making of" type featurettes supply some insight into the horror effects and set design. The gag reel is boring, but not when you compare it to the far less entertaining feature in which the four biggest stars of the film sit together on a sofa watching and commenting on random footage of themselves during the production. It is as if you, the audience, are supposed to think you are watching them candidly hang out, or maybe even to feel as if you are hanging out with them, but they aren't fooling anyone. \nOf course, as many of you have surely guessed, "they aren't fooling anyone" could easily describe much of the film. The problem with having Paris Hilton as a member of the cast is not just that her acting power is limited. When Hilton is onscreen it is impossible to be absorbed in the story or to suspend any of your disbelief. In contrast, Elisha Cuthbert makes a fine protagonist, probably the best post-"Scream" horror movie girl so far. Chad Michael Murray and the rest of the cast provide adequate support. The death scenes in which many of them must ultimately participate are not particularly spectacular, but are at least playfully conceived. The ridiculous plot of "House of Wax" (loosely motivated by Vincent Price's "House of Wax") consists of a few clichés and stock horror elements, which in this case happily include the struggle between good and "evil" twins, a creepy truck driver and, of course, a scary house. It has a climax that looks like it belongs in a Jerry Bruckheimer film and would almost be exhilarating if it weren't so implausible. \nWhile the film is not extremely worthwhile it's just entertaining enough that it will not leave you wishing you got back the portion of your life spent watching it. However, if you buy the DVD you may find yourself wishing you had your $15 back, as "House of Wax" is not likely to inspire many repeat viewings.

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