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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Progressive hard rock live

If the music world were put on a political spectrum… \nThe Dave Matthews Band, The Neptunes or Franz Ferdinand might correspond to liberal politicians, being progressive innovators across genres. Simple Plan, Nelly or Bon Jovi might correspond to middle of the road politicians, being pervasive, well-liked but not really all that good or substantive. Kelly Clarkson, Ryan Cabrera or 50 Cent might correspond to (neo)conservative politicians, being on top of the music business and bad for their respective genres, and the future of the music industry in general.\nThe Mars Volta makes Franz Ferdinand look as progressive as Nickelback. \nNo guitarist can compare to Omar A. Rodriguez-Lopez's sense of melody, speed of hand and understanding of guitar mechanics. And Cedric Baxler-Zavala's voice is reminiscent of Robert Plant -- an instrument as important as any other piece of the band. \nThe guys with hyphenated last names staked their claim on the title of "most progressive rockers in decades" on their first two albums, particularly Frances the Mute.\nBut the strangely titled Scab Dates isn't a perfect follow up. \nWhile the performances recorded for the album are simply stunning, the recording quality isn't. Credit is due to whoever mastered and mixed the unending ADD-rock. Perhaps something went wrong from studio to press, but the quality is irritatingly lacking. \nAnd the Mars Volta has, for whatever reason, slipped into dropping annoying background sounds into their albums, which they start this album with. \nIf, like me, you thought Frances was one of the greatest albums you've heard in years, then you understand the work of the Mars Volta enough to tolerate moderately poor sound quality and a few annoying ambient noises. \nThe progressive rock, which seemingly flows without end, is unmistakably brilliant. Based on my experience with three albums, I'll buy the next -- I just hope it's not a live disc.

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