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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student


Earthquake in Iran destroys villages, kills 10

5.9-magnitude tremor injures at least 70 citizens

TEHRAN, Iran -- An earthquake with a magnitude of at least 5.9 shook a sparsely populated area of southern Iran on Sunday, flattening seven villages, killing 10 people and injuring 70, officials and state-run television said. The temblor was felt as far away as Oman and the United Arab Emirates.\nHeidar Alishvandi, the governor of Qeshm, was quoted by state television as saying rescue teams were deployed to the affected area, and people in the wrecked villages moved quickly to safely.\nAnother provincial official, Ghasem Karami, told The Associated Press that high casualties were not expected because the area was not heavily developed.\nTehran's seismologic center said the quake was of magnitude 5.9, but the U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colo., said it had a magnitude of 6.1. A magnitude-6.0 quake can cause severe damage.\nIran's seismologic center said the epicenter was in the waters of the Persian Gulf between the port city of Bandar Abbas and Qeshm Island, about 940 miles south of Tehran. The USGS said the quake was 35 miles southwest of Bandar Abbas, which has about 500,000 residents.\nMasoud Dalman, head of Hormozgan province's emergency affairs, said several buildings on Qeshm Island were damaged. The island has about 200,000 residents.\nState-run TV reported that Qeshm Island's airport sustained minor damage and part of a major hospital collapsed from the force of the quake. No further details were provided.\nShahram Alamdari, head of Iranian Red Crescent's rescue unit, said two helicopters were evacuating the injured from Qeshm to Bandar Abbas.\nIranian television ran video from Qeshm showing minor damages to some buildings and a few injured people being taken to hospitals. The report said the villages of Karavan and Kousheh were worst hit, but no footage was shown from those sites.\nThe quake cut telephone links between Qeshm Island and the mainland, the report said.\nIn Oman and the United Arab Emirates, buildings were evacuated and people fled into the streets.\n"Power and water supplies were not affected," said Alireza Khorshidzadeh, a local journalist. "People poured into the streets, fearing aftershocks."\nIn Dubai, one of the seven emirates of the UAE, several buildings in the skyscraper-lined central business district were evacuated. They included the twin Emirates Towers, the highest buildings on the main street, where many international corporations and Dubai government institutions have offices.\n"It lasted around 30 seconds or so -- you could feel the building moving and the coffee cups shaking," said public relations executive Bina Mathews.\nIran is located on a number of seismic fault lines and, on average, experiences at least one slight quake every day.\nThe last major quake to hit southern Iran was in February, when a magnitude--6.4 temblor rocked Zarand, a town of about 15,000 people in Kerman province, 602 miles southeast of Tehran. It killed 612 people and injured more than 1,400, leveling several villages and leaving thousands of people homeless.

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