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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

UITS targets 'password snatchers'

1st week of cyber security campaign offers tips for online safety

The National Cyber Security Campaign kicks off October with "Invasion of the Password Snatchers," a poster campaign warning students about password security -- a problem that affects students on college campuses throughout the nation. \nPassword safety can be a main cause of a computer invasion if computers are not properly protected, said University Information Technology Services officials. \n"The biggest problem that can happen when your computer is taken over by an intruder is that this person has control of everything on your machine," said Merri Beth Lavagnino, deputy information technology policy officer for IU. "A lot of people don't realize this."\nTo avoid an intruder's control of personal information, follow a few simple guidelines while creating and maintaining your password information.\n

Tips for keeping passwords secure

\n- Never share your password.\nPassword information is meant to protect you. Keep it private.\n- Never save your password.\nWhen a browser gives you the option to save your password, always decline in order to lower the risk of making an invasion of your computer easier.\n- Change your password regularly.\nPasswords should be changed regularly every six months, according to UITS information.\n- Never send your password via e-mail .\nCrackers (those who attempt to intrude into computer networks) can try to trick you with a fake e-mail requesting your password information, often making the message look very official. (It is actually against University policy to request password information by e-mail).\n- Make administrative passwords different from IU network passwords.\nTo avoid making a cracker's job easier to obtain your personal information, create different passwords for administrative and IU network IDs to act as barriers. \n- More safe passwording tips and other information on creating and maintaining password information can be found on the Web at

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