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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

It's got the look

"Stay" is a perfect example of a movie that values style over storyline. The dialogue is stilted, the ending is a cop out and the story has plot holes big enough to drive a fleet of Mack trucks through. And yet, this movie still holds your attention with bizarre imagery, wonderful editing and strangely blended shots that create the perfect dreamlike feel director Marc Forster ("Monster's Ball," "Finding Neverland") was going for.\n"Stay" is the story of Henry Letham (Ryan Gosling), an NYU student with some strange supernatural powers. Most of the movie revolves around Henry's psychiatrist, Sam Foster (Ewan McGregor), trying to stop Henry from committing suicide. Sam runs into Henry's dead parents (and dog), not to mention extreme bouts with déjà vu, along the way. Eventually it becomes clear Henry is somehow exerting control over the world. And then this surreal and imaginative movie culminates in the biggest wet fart of an ending that has ever been committed to film. \nI will refrain from revealing the pointless twist, which really only serves as a half-assed explanation for the remarkable style of the film, but I will say you'll be disappointed and possibly angry. The ending makes no sense on any level other than the completely superficial and, once you start examining it, it falls apart very quickly. And yet the movie still maintains its brilliance. It's remarkable how a great director like Marc Forster can take a shitty script from a hackneyed writer like David Benioff ("Troy," "25th Hour"), and turn it into something entirely enjoyable and worthy of multiple viewings. I implore you, if you go see this movie, when the big reveal comes at the end and you feel like throwing rotten tomatoes at the screen, keep in mind how great the previous 90 minutes of the film had been, and you'll leave the theater satisfied.

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