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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

The 'Essence' of dance team marks 10th birthday this year

IU student Arbara Rogers knows how to keep a 10-year-old group strong and vibrant. For her and the IU Essence dance team, she said it's a mixture of fun, friendship and hard work.\nMembers of the award-winning team will celebrate the club's 10th birthday this year with a season packed with performances. Rogers, an IU sophomore and Essence team co-captain, said the formula for the 10-year run of success is simple.\n"We are a group for girls who love to dance to hip-hop who've never had any experience," Rogers said. "So many other dance teams require years of training. We will help teach you the techniques you need."\nBut for a group of ladies whose dancing backgrounds vary, there is no shortage of talent or awards. Walking away with the first place trophy after their performance at 2005's Star Quest dance competition, the members of Essence still stand to honor one of the traditions by which it was founded by Taprena Augustine in 1995 -- self-expression. \n"We don't look for people with experience," Rogers said. "If you are having fun while you dance and you have style, we will help you with everything else."\nHelping is the technique that helps them succeed in their routines, Rogers said.\n"We have girls on all different dancing ability levels," she said. "If one person is not getting a step right, the whole routine can look off. We all need to be on the same page, so we help each other learn."\nMany of the girls will tell you that dancing is their life, but the ladies of Essence still take time out to be together as friends. To Rogers, being friends is one of the most important parts of good group chemistry. \n"It really shows when you are dancing on stage with someone you don't get along with," Rogers said.\nAside from performance, Rogers said teamwork is just as important offstage, as Essence choreographs all its routines. Everyone adds ideas so the team doesn't put on the same show twice, she said.\nCurrently preparing for upcoming shows Saturday at Kinsey Hollow and later that same day in Indianapolis performing for the Circle City Classic, IU Essence has plenty of bonds that dance through practices, performances and fun. \n"We are always looking for chances to perform -- its what we do," Rogers said. "We are also going to be performing at Yell Like Hell and this year's homecoming parade."\nBalancing busy practice and performance schedules with even busier personal lives, the members of Essence still pour their hearts into what they do best -- dance. \n"It's demanding, but it's also a lot of fun," Rogers said. "It's not always work, work, work. We do have fun at practice, but especially when we perform"

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