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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Alumni connect with campus in annual weekend

Class of 1955 celebrates during 'Cream and Crimson'

It's a weekend to remember, or rather for reminiscing, as IU alumni from all over the country gather for this year's Cream and Crimson Alumni weekend. From June 17-19, graduates will flock to Bloomington to reunite with friends and reconnect with campus. \nThis year, the Class of 1955 will hold its 50th reunion. The 1955 class is the only one in IU's history that has celebrated a reunion every five years since their graduation. This weekend will mark their last class reunion before become part of the Emeritus Elub for alumni who graduated over 50 years ago.\nAround 100 members of the class are expected to attend the banquet Friday night.\n"It's our last chance to come back," said class member John Peterson. "After this (IU) puts us out to pasture ... and retires us to emeritus."\nPeterson said he feels that although the numbers are not huge, there is an excitement about this reunion.\n"My wife has 16 of her sorority sisters coming back this year," he said. "That is very meaningful. I don't even think we had 16 in my class at Sigma Chi."\nPeterson said his class will spend Friday night celebrating and remembering. He is particularly excited about hearing Jeffrey Palmer, distinguished faculty member in the biology department, speak to the group. Ten years ago, the class raised the money to endow the professorship he now holds.\nAccording to the COAS Web site, Palmer was named in 2002 as one of the top 15 most highly cited researchers worldwide in the field of plant and animal sciences by the Institute for Scientific Information. He is widely considered to be a world leader in evolutionary genomics.\n"That is most meaningful to have the biology professor (we endowed) come to our reunion," he said. "I'm sure that one thing he'll say is thank you."\nOther events for all returning alumni during the weekend include the naming ceremony for the Herman B Wells Library and a barbecue at the DeVault Alumni Center.\nHeidi Wisen, from the IU Alumni Association, said in addition to all the activities, many come back simply to experience the campus and community.\n"Many will go to Nick's," Wisen said. "They love to just walk around the old crescent part of campus, which has changed the least. For these people, Bloomington has grown so much, they don't even know some of the places anymore"

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