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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Vote for Pedro takes IUSA reins

New administrative slate sworn in at Union Wednesday night

Wednesday night marked the changing of the guard for student leaders at IU. \nFlanked by administrators and the outgoing IU Student Association administration, new IUSA executives were officially sworn in by Student Body Supreme Court Chief Justice Brian Clifford at the Indiana Memorial Union. The elected executives from the Vote for Pedro ticket will take office April 15. Official business begins then. \n"Our first goal is to develop an execution plan for each of our six platform issues," said IUSA President Alexander Shortle. "We will, in detail, draw out exactly how we are to accomplish each, and then begin working to complete them. Like we preached during the campaign, these are simple platforms, and each will be accomplished early in our administration." \nThe aim of the new administration is to draw up an agenda and prioritize issues that they and the students agree upon, said Dean of Students Richard McKaig. McKaig also noted the importance of having good relations with other student groups and leaders.\n"They should interact with other student organizations and student leaders to build coalitions to make the student voice that more forceful," he said. "They should be speaking with administrators to help them push and accomplish (their agenda)."\nStudents should think their issues, comments and concerns are received and considered, Shortle said.\n"The priority of this administration is to truly listen," he said. "We are simply students representing students. The administration, faculty and staff would be out of jobs if it weren't for the students of Indiana University. The students must be heard. It is just a question of whether there is anyone to listen. That is what we strive to provide."\nFormer IUSA President Tyson Chastain offered his advice to the incoming administration. Chastain and Shortle both agree with the idea of using IUSA as a vehicle for student communication to the rest of the University. \n"Alex and I have met numerous times and the other executives have met with us too," Chastain said. "It's important to keep stability in the transition process." \nChastain also reminded the incoming administration of the importance of listening to the student voice before making a decision. \n"They have to remember that they are representing all students," he said. "They can include their personal observations but by listening to all students they can come up with a reasonable solution."\nChastain wished the new administration the best of luck.\n"I'm sure with them coming into office they will show the importance of IUSA," he said. "They will definitely represent students to the best of their ability."\n-- Contact Staff Writer Eric Tash at

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