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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Local sandwich shop robbed

Man possibly armed, Big Mouth Subs employees say

An unidentified male subject, who acted as if he was armed with a gun, robbed Big Mouth Subs, 1420 E. Third St., late Thursday night, said two Big Mouth Subs employees. The subject escaped through the back door facing Atwater Avenue. Police officers were scouring the streets and alleyways behind and around the sandwich shop until about 11:10 p.m. looking for signs of the suspect.\n"He just came in the side door and my back was facing him," said junior Val Matheis, an employee of Big Mouth Subs. "He said 'Gimmie all your money bitch.' At first I thought he was joking and started laughing, but then I turned around and saw him."\nMatheis and her co-worker, sophomore Andy Scherle, described the subject as a white male about 5'10" in height with a skinny frame. Both employees said they couldn't give a good description of the suspect's facial features because he was wearing a "mesh, camo turkey-hunting mask," on his face. They also said the suspect was dressed entirely in black.\nAfter demanding the money, the suspect pointed an object at the employees through his pocket and said "See if it's real," apparently making reference to a gun concealed in his pocket, Matheis said. He then ran behind the counter and opened the cash register while the two employees stood back in shock. After taking money out of the cash register, he slipped on the freshly mopped floor, tore a phone out of its jack and threw it on the ground, Matheis said.\n"He was fidgety and kind of shaking the whole time," Matheis said. "I honestly thought it was a joke at first."\nThe Bloomington Police Department could not comment on the robbery by press time. As of press time, the suspect was still at large.\n-- Contact City & State Editor Mike Wilson at

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