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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

IUSA elections begin today as tickets start Campaign push

College, Connect, Kirkwood and Vote For Pedro to be highly visible on campus; voting to be held through Wednesday

The IU Student Association elections are here. Starting today, students will be able to cast their vote for the ticket they think will do the best job advocating the student voice. With only four tickets heading into the election, future student leaders are doing their best to distinguish themselves from their competition and will be highly visible today through Wednesday.\nVote for Pedro has been doing their part to get students informed before making their decision, said Presidential Candidate Alex Shortle. He said his ticket drove around campus Monday to answer student questions and quell concerns. The ticket continued its efforts Monday night, going to off-campus residences, bars and other night spots to talk to students about the issues. Today the ticket will continue its "blitz" by having computers set up on campus for students to vote. \n"We'll be hitting the dorms early," he said. "We'll then be going to big apartment complexes and greek houses later in the day."\nThe Kirkwood ticket went out Monday to student locations around campus handing out ticket promotional items. The candidates gave students sun tan lotion to get them excited about spring break but more importantly to get them thinking about a fall break, which the ticket hopes to implement if they win. Kirkwood Presidential Candidate Bryan Strawbridge gave some last-minute words before election time.\n"I encourage students to focus on the issues and look at what each ticket is promoting and campaigning on," he said. "Students will see that Kirkwood is the most qualified and capable to work for the students."\nConnect Presidential Candidate John Palmer is confident about his ticket's chances in the elections. Palmer said he feels the importance of student-voter turnout is indicative of Connect's efforts to inform students about the important issues raised during the past three weeks. Palmer said his ticket will be out in full force today.\n"Connect is trying to get out the vote by reaching as many students as possible as we come into the final hour," he said. "We feel that, win or lose, it is important that students vote. It is important for us to be visible, and important for our message to be heard. We know our stance on the issues we have raised will positively affect students in the future, and we are excited to get started working for change."\nThe College ticket will do its best to get the word out to students about IUSA and the ticket, said College Presidential hopeful Shane Merriweather. He said he wants students to feel good about IUSA during and after the election.\n"We are really here for the students," he said. "We come off as professionals, but the professionalism is for the students. We are going about the elections in the most fair and ethical way possible; wanting all students who cast a vote to have their vote counted."\nMerriweather summed up his ticket's mood before the election.\n"At the end of the day, we want to look at this as a fun and educational experience."\n-- Contact Staff Writer Eric Tash at

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