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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Debate puts 4 tickets toe-to-toe

4 out of 5 groups square off about student issues, concerns

The first and only formal political tête-à-tête of the IU Student Association election season came and went Wednesday night. Four of the five tickets squared off on a range of issues from the athletics fee to the University's academic reputation in the Indiana Memorial Union's Oak Room. \nCollege, Connect, Kirkwood and Vote for Pedro all rang-in with their parties' approaches to a new 10-month IUSA administration, which will begin its term in mid-April. What About Bobby? candidates did not attend the debate in protest. Party supporters and current IUSA executives were among the audience for the hour-long debate, which was moderated by IUB Interim Chancellor Ken Gros Louis.\nThe tickets did their best to inform audience members about their parties' stances within the time limits. All tickets answered questions on issues they thought students wanted to hear most. The Vote for Pedro ticket made the point to show its focus is on students, not politics. \nVice Presidential Candidate Will Leckey said he believes his ticket is appealing because of the "realness" of his ticket co-executives.\n"Vote for Pedro came out as real students," he said. "The chancellor asked about fat in the IUSA budget, I think the only fat in IUSA is the political fat."\nThe tickets did not bring up new issues or points, but rather focused their attention to the issues that have already been discussed. Members from the Kirkwood ticket said they felt their candidates made their points clear to the student body. Presidential Candidate Bryan Strawbridge said he thought all tickets performed well.\n"I think all tickets had great points," he said. "Kirkwood got a lot of their issues out tonight."\nMembers of the College ticket said they felt the time limits did not allow its candidates to get to the specifics of the issues and its stances, but they are confident that publicity will help students make an informed vote next week.\n"We couldn't address the specific issues and policies that we wanted to," said College Presidential Candidate Shane Merriweather. "However, I think our positions and stances are known to the students."\nGetting the students informed about the IUSA elections and most importantly the issues that affect them most is a top priority for all tickets. Connect Presidential Candidate John Palmer said in addition to the debate he and his party conducted a survey of more than 350 students to get their opinion on his party's platform. Palmer said the survey was "key" in prioritizing student issues.\nCurrent IUSA President Tyson Chastain reflected on the debate by saying there is not much difference between the issues discussed Wednesday night and last year. The tickets, however, discussed a relatively new issue: IU's reputation and its standing in the U.S. News and World Report. The candidates also discussed the importance of the student voice, which has always been a popular issue.\n-- Contact Staff Writer Eric Tash at

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