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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

A clash on the 'Old Path'

Student Coalition protesters have 'love for everyone'

More than 100 students, protesters and counterprotesters blocked the walkways between Ballantine and Woodburn Halls as student groups and religious demonstrators clashed Thursday afternoon.\nStudents gathered around the signs held by members of the Student Coalition and members of the Old Paths Baptist Church, who have been protesting weekly near Woodburn.\nThe Student Coalition, in association with the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Student Support Services and the Muslim Student Union, staged a counterprotest in response to the recurring demonstrations by Old Paths' protesters.\n"We're out here to show there's a presence of love," senior Shahaab Uddin said of the counterprotest as he held a sign proclaiming that Allah and God meant the same thing. "I think a majority of Indiana University agrees with us."\nThe counterprotesters came with "Bloomington United In Diversity" signs and homemade posters promoting diversity and denouncing hate.\nSome of the students in attendance involved themselves in conversations and shouting matches with the protesters. \n"Everyone that's not 'one of them' is here to support us, I think," said junior Arun D'Silva, co-director of the Student Coalition. "Preaching and yelling doesn't accomplish anything."\nD'Silva said the purpose of the counterprotest was to show support for students offended by the protesters. Specifically, he cited a report filed by one of the anti-harassment incident teams with Dean of Students Richard McKaig as a reason for organizing. More information about the incident report was not available at press time.\n"I had one student, just walking down the street, who was gay, told me he felt unarmed against these protesters before and he thanked me," D'Silva said. "That made me feel really good."\nD'Silva, when challenged with Bible verses, exclaimed he had "love for everyone." He involved himself in many conversations with Old Paths' protesters, trying to explain to them his position. \n"God created a world just to hate it?" D'Silva proclaimed, adding sarcastically, "Yeah, that makes sense."\nMost students were equally civil.\n"I don't want to talk bad about them," sophomore Andrew Chang said after arguing with a protester. "I'm from the 'Bible-belt,' and I feel like I've got pretty good morals, but these guys are off the wall."\nAmidst shouts of "Hey fag" and claims that Bloomington is "the town of fruits and nuts," sophomore En'Yeto Moore kept calm.\n"You don't have to say much," Moore said. "I am out here to support the student body, and they are out here yelling 'faggot.'"\nA few students did not respond so calmly. Shouts emitting from the crowd of students included comments about a perceived lack of education among the Old Paths' protesters and their physical appearance.\nThe men from Old Paths held signs containing pictures of aborted babies and read "Allah not God, Buddah not God." They took turns preaching, quoting biblical verses and confronting students about their faith.\nJunior anthropology major Nic Hartmann, who has attended multiple Old Paths protests, said he thought the facts quoted by the men from Old Paths were inaccurate.\n"They claim Buddha claimed to be God," he said. "Buddha never claimed to be God; in fact Buddhism has no God."\nAt the height of the protest, as classes let out at Ballantine, students blocked both foot and car traffic. The police arrived a few minutes later, and an officer asked protesters and counterprotesters on the east side of the street to back up on to the grass. The Old Path's protesters complied as did most students.\n"We told both groups to stay off the sidewalk," IU Police Department Lt. Jerry Minger said. "Campus is a place to express your opinions, but there can be no impediment of pedestrian or vehicular traffic."\nMinger said it is IUPD's job to ensure safety on campus, and that officers would only get involved when incidents interfere with IU's academic goals.\n-- Contact Staff Writer Sam Nissen at

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