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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student


Fanter leaves IU

Assistant AD of media relations cites internal differences

Jeff Fanter, IU Assistant Athletic Director of Media Relations, resigned Monday.\nFanter, who has been in the Media Relations department since 1999, said he resigned because of changes in philosophy that current Athletic Director Terry Clapacs brought to the position when he was hired last year.\n"I believe that when you're in any position when you're not comfortable you should try to change that," Fanter said. "I've chosen to go elsewhere with no hard feelings."\nWhen asked for specifics concerning the philosophical differences, Fanter didn't cite anything directly. \n"I have a certain philosophy in how I think media relations can be an asset to an organization," Fanter said. "I'm not sure my skills are being utilized in the way they can be."\nFanter has accepted a position at Ivy Tech State Community College in Indianapolis as director of marketing and public relations. He didn't inform Clapacs directly of his final decision to resign. Instead, Fanter informed Associate Athletic Director Chris Reynolds who passed the news on to Clapacs, the athletic director said.\nReynolds couldn't be reached for comment.\nClapacs said he wishes Fanter the very best.\n"He was with us through some very trying times and he did well," Clapacs said. \nOne of those times was when Athletic Director Michael McNeely left abruptly last November. McNeely's departure prompted Fanter's first thoughts about leaving. Fanter said McNeely was using his position and the media relations department in the way he thought it was intended.\nFanter, the media's primary football contact, said coach Gerry DiNardo had similar feelings as McNeely concerning the assets of media relations.\nFanter made the decision within the past month to resign. The time commitments of his job also influenced Fanter's decision. The IU alumnus has a wife and a two-year-old daughter and cited them as his No. 1 priority.\nAssistant media relations director Pete Rhoda said he's sorry to see Fanter go, but he's glad he'll have more time with his family.\n"With Jeff, he's moving into a position at Ivy Tech that's a lot more conducive for his wife and his 2-year-old daughter," Rhoda said. "It's a change to balance work and family time. I give Jeff a lot of credit to get his priorities in line."\nClapacs said the athletic department will move quickly in finding a replacement. The first order of business will be a review of the position to see if changes in responsibilities are necessary. Clapacs said following the review, the department will begin aggressively pursuing a replacement, either from within or outside the University.\nRhoda said he hasn't been contacted concerning the job opening. \n-- Contact staff writer John Rodgers at

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