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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Chick rappers: The stigma times three

('Dying In Stereo' - Northern State)

The trio of white, female, liberal arts students from Long Island known as Northern State (Hesta Prynn, Guinea Love and DJ Sprout) are attempting to shoot past a novelty label. A series of frenzied articles brought attention to the group, which is innovative because of who it is made up of, not because of what it does. The Beastie Boys are an obvious connection to Northern State, the girls are brash and absurd in a similar manner, but the stupidity may not be a rhetorical act in the case of Northern State. \nThe girls reach for hip-hop history as well as political content. Prynn's heart is in the right place (if not the best articulated) on "A Thousand Words" when she spits out, "The country's getting ugly and there's more in store/but don't blame me cause I voted for Gore." More unfortunate is that this line is followed by rhyming "regal" with "and Snoopy was a beagle."\nYes, this is novelty, but so were the Beastie Boys. Northern State's willingness to be pert and search for unique soundscapes to flow over suggests a career and not a fly-by-night release. Dying In Stereo is a search for a voice -- once the imitations cease, these girls could be onto something.

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